Wednesday, 20 April 2022



In one of his speech in Pakistan, a few years ago, Hafeez saed, elaborated that fights are inevitable but the true war is fought among powers in the sky and whatever we see on earth is replica of that war in the sky.

In Bhagwatgeeta God Krishna preached Arjun that the soldiers and warriors in the battlefield are already dead, the battle is just an illusion. The sides they had chosen and logic for choosing the particular side is an imaginary situation.

The research work in 1990 which turned into famous book clash of civilization by Samual P. Huffington says that future wars will not need any cause for war because they will be fought to propagate philosophy of different civilizations. 

Major civilization mentioned are western or christianity, Islam, China(communism), Hindus or Sanatani Buddhist, South American.

Recent statement given by Olga Scabayova, anchor in Russia 1, saying that NATO wish to erase Russians from the world. The saying indicate about what Russians perceive about intentions of west. The war is not in between the two country but it is in between two civilization. Both the civilizations intent to spread their philosophy.

USA and west gave all support to Russia and China to build their economy but after getting all help, both the countries are challenging USA. 

The war in Ukraine or tension in Taiwan are not for wealth but they are for spreading philosophy and crushing others philosophy. 

Stones at processions are the same what Hafeez Saed had said.

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